Nowadays, the dowry system is becoming like a business for different communities and castes. This is becoming a burden for the bride's family. Many times if demand is not fulfilled for the boy's side then the marriage is abruptly cancelled as a result of this failure. In this sense, dowry is actually an ugly representation of the greed and shamelessness of the groom and his family.
Dowry is becoming a nightmare for women. Sometimes because of dowry which is mostly prevalent among the below poverty-line people, they kill their daughters after they are born or before their birth in the mother's womb itself so that they can escape dowry. Since they know after growing up and educating her, they still need to give dowry in order to get her married. However, one fails to understand that it is not a daughter's fault for which she is being wrongfully punished but the fault of the society that allows such practices.
There are so many disadvantages of dowry system. Financial burden on the family, rise to corruption, emotional stress for the girl, physical abuse, female foeticides etc. are some major consequences of this ill-practice. Due to this evil system, women are frequently viewed as liabilities. They are frequently subjected to subordination and second-class treatment in terms of education and other amenities. Today's dowry is more equivalent to a financial investment by the bride's family to get access to powerful connections and lucrative business possibilities. As a result, women are reduced to commodities.
Dowry is also one of the major precursors behind domestic violence. If the bride doesn't bring as much as agreed, the groom and his family torture the bride physically and mentally. Thus, to rid of possible consequences parents start saving money for their daughter's marriage instead of spending it on her education. In addition to this, the lack of women in labour, and thus their lack of financial independence, is the greater context for the practice of dowry. The poorer sectors of society send their daughters out to work to help them save money for their dowry. While most middle and upper-class families send their girls to school, they do not prioritize job opportunities.
The dowry system is a taboo that must be abolished. Many educated people speak and progress for women's rights and run campaign against the evils of dowry system. Changes are taking place in our societies but yet we are unable to escape the shackles of dowry. Although the government has enacted numerous regulations, the practice of dowry continues to exist in our society. Therefore, we all must begin taking action to combat it. Starting from our own home is the first step. At home, both boys and girls should be treated similarly and given equal opportunity. Both of them should be educated and given the freedom to be completely self-sufficient. Education and freedom are the two most powerful and valuable gifts that parents can give to their daughters. Only education will allow her to be financially secure and a valuable family member, earning her respect and suitable family standing. Indeed, the best dowry a father can bestow on his daughter is an excellent education, guidance, and motivation to pursue her aspirations.
The practice of dowry is strongly condemned. Despite the government's effort of making dowry a punishable offence, it is still being practised in most parts of the country causing agony for the girls and their families. People demanding dowry should be boycotted from the society. It is now on our shoulders to root out this evil from our society.